vanessa german
THE JUDGEMENT, THE RAGE, or, Riding Up The Tricycle, 2022
Paula Deen cookware found at the goodwill outlet on Patton Avenue in western north Carolina up from a chicken place that serves “authentic” southern fried hot chicken right up from a chick-fil-a that is not open on Sunday because Sunday is the lord’s day, not to be confused with Lorde, the pop singer whose first hit had the famous first line, “I’ve never seen a diamond in the flesh”, which I’d assume she has seen now, a diamond in the flesh, both in bedded in the flesh and also, just a diamond, in the flesh. * Old tricycle, fabric, wood, a white woman telling me not to steal the furniture, astroturf, hurt, red red red hurt, rage, a snarl in the heart in the way of things, cycles of judgement, scissor tale swallows in porcelain, somethings exist before time, red things:books, shoes, hair dryer, yarn, Boy Scout water can, watermelon papier mache, red cookware that is NOT Paula Deen ware, white benevolence back-firing, a critical gaze, meanness masquerading as knowing, resentment, the power of, “no”, love, grace, a Miracle.
77 1/2 x 29 x 48 1/4 inches
196.8 x 73.7 x 122.6 cm
196.8 x 73.7 x 122.6 cm
Copyright The Artist