Softcover 44 pages
ISBN: 978·0·9968134-7·1
Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN: 978·0·9968134-7·1
Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches
Published on the occasion of the gallery's 2017 exhibition. Renowned Max Ernst scholar Jürgen Pech provides an incisive essay and exhaustive notes on the provenance, exhibition history, and literature for these rarely-exhibited sculptures. Ernst's conceptual starting point for this group of works were the themes of (figurative) blindness, myopia, and of course, the total panopticism prophesied in Orwell's 1984. Beautiful plate photography is complemented by a wealth of historical images of the works in past exhibitions and installations."The biggest telescopes do not give rise to the biggest astronomers." —Max Ernst